
Last Sunday our Reconciling Ministries Task Force began taking a Nonbinding Referendum on a proposed welcoming statement which affirms the full participation of LGBTQ persons at CUMC. If you were not in attendance, we invite you to read and comment on this proposed statement this Sunday (scroll below); copies are also available in Worship.  We want to receive your response by October 16 so that we can discuss the results of this nonbinding referendum at Church Conference at 7 p.m. Thursday, October 27.

To help us in our decision-making process, the Task Force will show a documentary this Sunday after service titled “Fish Out of Water”. It addresses the seven Bible passages most often quoted by those who resist full inclusion. Please allow an hour to view this movie and to gain a deeper understanding about the urgency of our reconciling process.

Gary Gruebnau, Team Leader of the Reconciling Ministries Task Force
