“The Conquerors” VBS for K-12 will be here July 9-13 from 6:00 to 8:45pm (camp will start promptly at 6pm).
PRE-VBS CAMP schedule:
…June 24th 12:30 pm meeting for ALL VBS volunteers
…June 28th 4pm VBS Costume Night and Video Filming.  This event is open to ALL volunteers and Youth to come and embellish their costumes and add final touches. Julie will be there with supplies and ideas. Then we’ll be making our own music video in full costumes for our theme song. Volunteers are also encouraged to participate. We’ll be serving a light dinner
…July 8th 4pm VBS Launch Party! This registration and preview event is for ALL VBS participants and volunteers.  Come and register for VBS.  Preview the robotics & other S.T.E.A.M. projects. Make your camp t-shirt. This event IS part of VBS week at Christ United Methodist Church.  Hot dog dinner provided
(please share the VBS postcards with your friends and neighbors—they’re available by the big captain’s wheel in the lobby at church)