Please pray for the following:

…Sue Vitner’s 5-year old granddaughter, Abby Vitner as she is now aware of her cystic fibrosis and she is suffering from coughing

Please continue prayers for:

Julie Kukreja has shared this update with the church office: Hannah Snuffer: Hannah has been life lifted back to Columbus Ohio because of a blood clot. Her liver enzymes are elevated, which is to be expected. The doctors at Columbus are in contact with the hospital in Cincinnati as they are very experienced in liver disease, and they are helping to determine the best way to go at the clot. She’s still on heparin drip but this is to keep other clots from forming. They’re doing labs every 2 hours to keep a close watch on the liver enzymes as well as other things. Her oxygen saturation was somewhat low so they have her on the bi-pap machine and already her oxygen levels are improved. She has naps a lot as she has not slept well. Kellie and Ryan ask for our continued prayers for discernment for the doctors, as well as strength for them. Your response has been outstanding and it is being very much felt by them!

Judith Aronson as she continues her recovery from surgery, the John Aa vang family, Linda White’s sister, Betty; Violet Klein; Muriel Wright; Deb Thomas’s friend, Lisa’s mother, Kathleen; Braxton Larocco; Roselee Hicks; Paisley Ann; Rev Carl Curtin; Louise Underwood; Cheri Bacon; Pauline Green’s husband, Gene; Nancy Reid; the Geheren family; Sue Choromokos; Sharon Young; Joan Souchek; Barb Lepke as she awaits information from her doctors as to whether it would be better to have surgery to remove her lung cancer, or to begin Proton Therapy and Chemo in lieu of surgery; and for those who are suffering with mental health issues; and for those who are unemployed