08-20_CulversCheckBonnie Dodge, Christ United Methodist Mission Chair is shown accepting check from Richard Meyer, owner of Culver’s Restaurant in Huntley.   She is joined by Reverend Ron Greene and Tobey Sroga.   Photographer: Dave Dodge, CUMC Member

The Mission Team extends a BIG THANK YOU to all the Christ United Methodist Church family and their friends for all the ways they supported the Culver’s fundraiser on July 27, 2015.  We appreciate your volunteering to serve;  we appreciate your attendance and purchases; we appreciate your passing out invitations to friends.  Everything you did made a difference.   We received 10% of the sales, and we received tips.   We made approximately $400 – enough to save the lives of four individuals from malaria.   If you were not able to attend, and are interested in supporting Imagine No Malaria, please speak to Bonnie Dodge, Mission Chair, about other fundraisers and ways to contribute.