The Northern Illinois Conference United Methodist Men would like to invite you to the 2015 Spiritual Congress in Williams Bay, WI the weekend of September 18 – 20, 2015.  Spiritual Congress is an annual men’s retreat at Conference Point on Lake Geneva presented by the NICUMM for spiritual development, training and fellowship with brothers from around the conference.  This year the conference speaker is the world renowned Rev. Grace Imathiu.  Pastor Grace will be presenting four Saturday sessions on David:  A man after God’s own heart and leading our closing worship on Sunday morning.

Reverend Grace Imathiu is Lead Pastor of Community United Methodist Church in Naperville, Illinois.  Born and raised in a Methodist preacher’s home, Grace was ordained in the Methodist Church in Kenya and has served churches in Kenya and the USA.  Rev. Imathiu was educated in Kenya, USA, England and at the Hebrew University at Mt. Scopus.  Pastor Grace is a keen student of the Bible and a committed disciple of Jesus Christ.  She is a sought after Bible study teacher in many Annual Conferences of the United Methodist church, as well as, a speaker at many spiritual retreats and international conferences.  Grace is the author of two books, is married to photographer David Hay Jones and is the mother to one son, Erik.

For those of you who have not yet attended a Spiritual Congress, the cost of the conference includes overnight dormitory type lodging, cafeteria meals, conference costs, with a small amount going to fund the NICUMM missions/ministry.

For more information go to for the conference flyer, brochure and agenda, download registration materials and/or to register online.

This is an event you won’t want to miss.  Print out the Flyer and put it on the bulletin boards in your church.  Get a group of men together and bring a carload for the weekend, or for a single day.  Please register each attendee, so we can plan the meals and lodging requirements.

The Peace of Christ be with you,

George Groves

Aurora District UMM President