Please pray for the following:

…Deb Thomas requests prayers for friends who are having marriage problems, and their children as they move forward

all the children and teachers for this school year

my grandson who is facing difficulties in his life and for his whole family (this request was submitted anonymously)

…for a full and complete recovery for Evy Markowski’s stepdaughter, Joyce Hess who had emergency surgery this past Monday

…for the friends and family of Betty Tewksbury (a former member of CUMC) who passed away on August 7, 2015

Please continue prayers for:

Sue Vitner, Linda White’s sister, Betty Phillips; Sue Choromokos; the LaBeau family; Louise Underwood and her son, Ray; Sharon Young; Joan and Paul Souchek; Hannah Snuffer and her parents, Kellie and Ryan; Muriel Wright; Deb Thomas’s friend, Lisa’s mother, Kathleen; Braxton Larocco; Roselee Hicks; Paisley Ann; Rev Carl Curtin; Cheri Bacon; Pauline Green’s husband, Gene; Nancy Reid; the Geheren family; for those who are suffering with mental health issues; and for those who are seeking employment