CUMC welcomes the Huaxiu Chinese School, a non‑profit Organization which offers learning beyond the classroom for students success. Mandarin Chinese is an up and coming language offered in many public and private schools throughout the United States, there are approximately 870 million Mandarin speaking people in the world. The majority of the parents don’t know Mandarin; many students cannot get any help from home, and the Huaxiu Learning Beyond Classroom is ready to help. All of our teachers are graduates from well-known Chinese universities specializing in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language. They speak standard and fluent Mandarin.

How can students benefit from this program?

We’ll use fun, easy learning through music, and singing methods to teach younger kids. We’ll help students review their student coursework, work on a specific areas of concern, answer their questions, identify trouble areas to help them get their work done.

We’ll focus on listening, speaking, reading practice.  After this program, students’ confidence will increase in speaking Mandarin and will also be useful for future plans of proceeding to a higher level.

They’ll also learn many different skills. They can choose: Electronic Piano keyboard lesson, vocal lesson, violin lesson.

This is a safe place where they’ll have opportunities to grow their social skills, and will be provided an environment which combines play with academics.

The only class that will be offered at CUMC this Fall (2012) will be the Tuesday morning Chinese Mandarin class for ages 3-5 (10am-10:15am), beginning on August 21st through December 18th.  If you are interested in any of the other classes listed below, please contact either Lucy or Jean for availability and location of classes.  Their contact information can be found below the class listings.

Please share this information with your neighbors, relatives and friends whom you think might be interested in this program!  Scroll below for further details about the class levels/fees.



Ages 3-5                            Tues 10:00 am-10:50am                 Aug 21— Dec 18

Ages 3-5                            Tues 1:30 pm-2:20pm                     Aug 21— Dec 18

(This class we use fun and easy method to teach kids. We sing, play, act and also

Practice easy conversation to learn Chinese Mandarin)


Ages 6-8                            Mon, Wed 3:00pm-3:50pm              Aug 20— Dec 19

(Review students’ coursework. Practice listening, speaking, and reading)


Ages 9 & up                        Mon, Wed 4:00pm-4:50pm              Aug 20— Dec 19

(Review students’ coursework. Practice listening, speaking, reading and writing

And introduce Chinese culture and history, poems, stories)


Adult                                 Fri 8:00pm-8:50pm                        Aug 24— Dec 14

(This class we will focus on business conversation. Help students who interested

In doing business, and Learn Chinese culture, history)



Voice                                    Tues 2:30pm-3:20pm                            Aug 21— Dec 18

(This class we will learn singing skill.  We warm up and practice voice, learn how to take breath

To sing. After practice, students’ voice will grows stronger.  We will sing some English and Chinese songs)


Keyboard                              Tues 3:30pm-4:20pm                            Aug 21— Dec 18

(This class we will learn playing electronic piano keyboard. We use Piano Adventure

Book, start from Level 1 to up)



FEES                           Semester  (Christ United Methodist Church members: Get 10% discount)

Ages 3-5                                  18 times classes x $10 = $180   (Aug 21 – Dec 18)

Ages 6-8 and 9& up               32 times classes x $10 = $320   (Aug 21 – Dec 18)

Adults                                     17 times classes x $20 = $340   (Aug 21 – Dec 18)


Lucy: (847) 293-4621               Jean: (847) 201-4635

Fax:  (847) 428-3756               Email:


 So Apply Today

Student Name_____________________________________________Age______________

Classes: ___________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Names______________________________________________________

Phone(s) __________________________________________________________________


Emergency Contact Name____________________________Phone____________________

Please make checks payable to: Huaxiu Chinese School

(Christ United Methodist Church members: Get 10% discount)