While Pastor Lee is away (Aug. 21st thru Sept. 7th), if you have an emergency for which you need pastoral care, please contact one of our Stephen Ministry Leaders: either Arlene Young or Linda Mullen.  If you have a church-related matter that you need to discuss with one of our ministry leaders, please contact either the chairperson of our Administrative Board, Gary Slagle or our Lay Leader, Ralph Bergstrom.  You can contact the church office for the contact information for any of the above…just call 847-669-9009, or email christumc@ameritech.net.



GUEST SPEAKERS while Pastor Lee is away (updated information):

  • Janet Boryk will be our Guest Pastor on Sunday, August 26th.  Janet is the Director of Planned Giving at the United Methodist Foundation of the Northern Illinois Conference.  (Janet is going to be speaking in place of Rev. Harry Nicol who is currently recovering from an illness.
  • Mr. Richard Brooke, Certified Lay Speaker of the Northern Illinois Conference will be our Guest Speaker on Sunday, September 2nd.  Please note: we will not have Holy Communion on Sept. 2nd.  Instead, we will have it on Sunday, September 9th.