To My CUMC Family,
I am home for just over two weeks now and I still have several health conditions I’m working on; so please continue to “storm the heavens” on my behalf. Miracles have showered down on me several times over as I nearly died three different times. As I walked so near the Valley of Death Christ was with me. All of this enabled me to witness to the people who cared for me. Hopefully, my story has also stretched your faith and made it stronger.
I was sent four angels on earth in the form of two doctors, one best friend, and my beloved husband. The doctors saved my life after giving me only a 10% chance of surviving. Evy Markowski was my angel cheerleader who always called or visited when I needed uplifting after a hard day. She also introduced me to the series of Mitford books by Jan Karon which included scriptures that touched my soul. Lastly, I thank God for my rock and caregiver, Joe. We have been married for 48 years and now we know what “for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health” from our wedding vows mean.
Your sister-in-Christ,