Are you aware of the dirty dozen? The clean fifteen? Did you know you can enjoy your favorites and still eat healthy?


I do hope you will come to church for supper this Sunday from 5 to 7pm. Enjoy pizza and chocolate as we debunk some myths about good nutrition. There’ll be a free-will offering.

We can explode a few myths about fasting for Lent while we’re at it. Lent is not about giving something up; it’s about how very much we can gain by being more intentional for a season. Extra mindfulness for 40 days before celebrating Easter can mean sharing so much more fully in the joy of Easter living.

Our church has engaged speaker Tracy Williams, a member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, to lead us this week in our opening study of our supper series, “A Place at The Table”.  We will learn about a different kind of hunger-need each Sunday evening through March 13: in our family, our church, our community, our nation, and our world. Together, let’s take baby steps to ensure that all are fed.

RSVP requested: Please email me at to help me know how much chocolate and pizza to have on hand. Thank you.

Praying you will have a fruitful Lent,

Pastor Ron