
The United Methodist Church will hold its quadrennial General Conference in Portland, Oregon from May 10-20, 2016. As we all prepare for this important time of conferencing, the Council of Bishops has invited each Annual Conference to host a 24-hour prayer vigil and the day for the Northern Illinois Conference is February 29. Bishop Sally Dyck encourages you to join her and the NIC delegation to fill the day with prayer as we all pray across the church for this important gathering. “Our prayers will be like a wave across the NIC as well as the whole church around the world,” says Bishop Dyck. “Be part of this prayer wave across our annual conference on February 29 (leap day)!” Click here for sign ups and resources.  Note: If you are planning on attending General Conference as a volunteer or other role, please contact the delegation’s chair Elisa Gatz. The delegation is also looking for those willing to read and give input on the legislation (more than 1,000 petitions have been submitted). Contact Elisa at: jegatz@comcast.net. Click here for news on the Pre-General Conference Briefing held in January for delegates and communicators in Portland, OR