Dear Church Family,
For the past two weeks I’ve lifted up a family dealing with their son, Steven who was addicted to heroin. Last Sunday night at 11:54pm Maria and Ken lost their son to his addiction.  They now reach out with a deep thanks for the prayers and the prayer shawl that was given to his mother, Maria. And I ask for continuing prayers for them:
Dear God, bless this family with your strength as they put their son, Steven to rest…Amen
Your sister in Christ, Kim Aupperle
And Kim shares a text from Steven’s father, Ken:  Thank you for you. Let the person know who knit the prayer shawl how much Maria loved it. I’m so happy that she had that to wear through this journey and what it stood for. I’m so grateful for you…you are a blessing!  Ken

Please continue prayers for the following:
Eleanor and Joe Kilberger; Blanch Valeria (Sue Pedersen’s good friend); Evy Markowski’s step-granddaughter, Jacky Kershner and her unborn twins; Robert Szczepanski (Dick & Maylo Hranac’s son-in-law); Steve Hartog (Duane & Janet Graf’s nephew); Sue Vitner; Betty Phillips (Linda White’s sister); Sue Choromokos; Joan & Paul Souchek; Hannah Snuffer and her parents, Kellie & Ryan; Deb Thomas’s friend, Sue, and Kathleen (the mother of Deb’s friend, Lisa); Braxton Larocco; Paisley Ann; Rev Carl Curtin; Cheri Bacon; Gene Green (Pauline’s husband); the Geheren Family; Nell Stewart; all persons who are suffering with mental health issues; and all those who are seeking employment