Please pray for the following:
…for Janet Graf’s sister’s husband, Walt Luneburg who has refused further cancer treatments and will be going into Hospice care before long
…for Dan Poole, a long-time family friend of the Kleckner’s – Dan is very ill
…for Kareen Hernandez’s cousin, Shelby and her fiancé, Robert on the passing of Shelby’s baby (Baby Vincent) – Shelby is having a very difficult time. Kareen also requests prayers that the health of her parents continues to improve, and prayers for Kareen’s little family as she prepares to have surgery on May 11th
…for Judy Lantinen’s dear friend, Hilery Page who’s been diagnosed with appendicitis; and for a successful and complete recovery and healing of Judy Lantinen’s dear friend, Mary Mazzeri who had subchondroplasty procedure (stem cell transplant surgery) done on both of her knees earlier this week

Please continue prayers for the following:
… Judy Lange’s daughter, Debby and her children, Nick and Brittany; Kim Aupperle’s mom, Genevieve Swanson; Evy Markowski’s friend, Rick (who’s recently been diagnosed with Leukemia) and her great‑granddaughter, Paisley Ann; Eleanor and Joe Kilberger; Blanch Valeria, Cheri Bacon, and Sue Kosifas (neighbors and good friends of Sue Pedersen); Robert Szczepanski (Dick & Maylo Hranac’s son-in-law); Sue Vitner; Betty Phillips (Linda White’s sister); Sue Choromokos; Joan & Paul Souchek; Hannah Snuffer and her parents, Kellie & Ryan; Deb Thomas’s friend, Sue, and Kathleen (the mother of Deb’s friend, Lisa); Braxton Larocco; Rev Carl Curtin; Gene Green (Pauline’s husband); the Geheren Family; Nell Stewart; all persons who are suffering with mental health issues; and all those who are seeking employment