Last Sunday a group of people gathered together for our Sing-spiration. After a little over an hour of praising by singing some old favorite hymns, they flocked together near the fellowship area. All of sudden, one of them started to sing “Do Lord” and one after another, each joined in song together. I don’t know if there is a virus that creates joy or happiness that might have played a part in their responsiveness; however, I do know that by the grace of God they were people who were moved by the Holy Spirit! And that is one of the privileges of being a pastor: to watch the moments that people are touched by God. I thank all of you who came to lift your voices from your hearts, especially Janet & Gary who led the singing, and Peggy who said “Yes” to playing the piano, accompanied by Rev. John Park’s guitar playing. Most of all, a very big “THANKS!” to the Lord!
Here are some of the video clips from that evening