2015 logoThis year’s LITH Summer Sunset Festival (at Sunset Park) will be held on Friday, Sept. 2nd through Sunday, Sept. 4th.  Our church will be working a craft table in the Kids’ Korner on Saturday (11am-5pm) and Sunday (1-5pm). We need volunteers on both of these days to work in two-hour time slots (2 volunteers per time slot). There’s a sign-up sheet on the Mission Team’s bulletin board by Pastor Ron’s office.  
We’re going to distribute reusable CUMC promotional bags and we invite all small church groups or church event teams to provide 50 copies of your group’s insert (brochure/flier) for these bags. This is your opportunity to share your information with the visitors at the Festival. Be sure to include your meeting dates and times (if you only meet for a portion of the year, please provide that information, as well). Place your insert by September 1st in the box marked “LITH FESTIVAL” located in the Data Center (across from the women’s bathroom by Pastor Ron’s office)
**NOTE: If you want the church office to print your insert, you must provide a ready-to-print file in PDF format by Sunday, August 28th (send to christumcalgonquin@gmail.com). Once your insert is printed, you may be asked to “fold” the insert if the office is unable to get them folded before they are put into the promotional bags.  Please note that one side of your insert will be printed in black and white, and the other side may be printed in color providing that that side is VERY COLORFUL (and not just a logo, background, or emphasized text).  Since we pay per side for color, if you’d like your insert to have one side printed in color, please be sure that that side is VERY colorful, so it really is true eye candy to the reader!  
Contact Kim Aupperle if you have any questions.