09-01_Baker Alert-e-newsTwo great traditions are merging on September 25, 2016: Missions is meeting Methodist cooking by holding a church bake sale for Imagine No Malaria.  Methodist missions have been in Africa for over 160 years, and as a result there is an African University and 300 Methodist clinics and hospitals.   This history has made it possible to have community field workers who have been able to educate local residents on the importance of using treated bed nets and seeking medical treatment,   With funds from United Methodists through-out the world, African communities now know that Malaria is preventable and treatable.   We have reason to rejoice because in eight years the death rate from malaria was cut by over half.   Since 90% of the deaths occur in children under five and in pregnant women, this is a great achievement.   Now, we are in the home-stretch of a four-year campaign.   We’re nearing the finish.   United Methodists have achieved a lot in 44 months because the ground-work started over 160 years ago.    Methodist pot-lucks and bake sales have a long history too; so, it is fitting that these two traditions meet.   The Mission Team would like all experienced bakers and novice bakers to provide delicious treats for us on September 25th.   If you know you are going to be working or out-of-town on the 25th, you can complete an order form and we will freeze treats for you.   Order forms will be inserted in your Sunday bulletin on the 11th, or you can email maylohranac@msn.com  if you prefer to do this by email.   We also encourage monetary donations:  just write “Imagine No Malaria” on the Memo line.  For additional information contact Bonnie Dodge or Maylo Hranac.

