shhhh-its-a-secretOctober is Pastor Appreciation month when we’re going to share our gratitude and appreciation for Pastor Ron’s ministry at Christ United Methodist Church and for all that he does to minister not only to our church family, but also to our local communities.  The Staff Parish Relations Committee invites you to write a personal note of encouragement and appreciation to Pastor Ron.  Place your personal message in a sealed envelope marked ‘FOR THE SPRC and put that envelope in the SPRC mailbox which is located in the church office (near the window behind the secretary’s desk).  Please place your message in the SPRC mailbox by Sunday, October 2nd.

Further plans for celebrating Pastor Ron’s ministry at CUMC are still in process, so be sure to watch your email box and Sunday bulletins for further information, and also mark your calendar for our Pastor’s Appreciation Potluck on Sunday, October 23rd!