group_13695acThe New Testament places great emphasis on the importance of personal relations among believers. We are told to love one another, to encourage one another, to comfort one another, to share our burdens with one another, to instruct one another, and to pray for one another. All of this obviously means more than merely having superficial acquaintances.
Knowing other people on this level requires real work and commitment on our part. And it involves a setting where we can be “real” with each other. For us to develop these real, vibrant, biblical relationships, we need to be face-to-face. Think about the various settings you are in at church. Are you just looking at the back of the head in front of you? Or are you in a small group or class where you have the opportunity to be real, to be face-to-face with other believers?
Something very BIG is happening in small groups. Don’t miss out on an opportunity to grow in your relationships with God and with one another.  — Rev. David T. Wilkinson

Don’t miss out – come Face-to-Face with fellow believers at CUMC:
…the Prayer Shawl Ministry meets at 1:30pm on the 2nd Monday of the month
…the Pastor’s Lectionary Study meets Tuesday evenings at 7:00pm
…the Wednesday morning Spirituality group meets at 9:00am)
…the Thursday morning Women’s Bible Study meets at 9:30am
…the Saturday morning Men’s Study & Fellowship meets at 7:00am
