church-bake-sale-goodiesThe CUMC Mission Team thanks you for participating in last Sunday’s bake sale for Imagine No Malaria.   On September 25th, this congregation saved the lives of four individuals by your donations of money and baked goods and your purchases.  The total of donations and sales was $416.00.  The CUMC appreciates your support.   The real thank you though is from those who benefit.    This is what we think the benefactors would say:
I was sick with malaria, and you paid for my treatment.  a patient in sub-Sahara Africa
I was worried about my children, and you provided me with insecticide-treated nets.  an African parent
I was concerned about how to alert my patients about malaria prevention , and you paid for broadcasting educational messages on our local radio stations.  An African doctor
If by chance you missed the opportunity to participate in this mission it is still possible to request either of these two treats:  apple-streusel coffee cake in an eight inch pan and/or a loaf of pumpkin bread.   The recommended donation for each of these is $5.00.   Smaller sizes are available.   Orders are being accepted for delivery on any Sunday between now and October 16th by either speaking to Maylo Hranac or by e-mailing her at The opportunity for purchasing these treats though ends October 16th.