ending-malariaSometimes, it’s all about the numbers.

  • 2,300,000 insecticide treated bed-nets
  • 4,600,000 lives impacted
  • 11,600 health workers going door-to-door
  • 300 health care facilities (hospitals, clinics, outposts)

The United Methodist Church started the “Imagine No Malaria” campaign with bed-nets.   Then in the summer of 2013 at annual conferences churches were asked to commit to raising $100 per average weekly attendance.   Congregations were asked to complete this by the end of 2016…a little over three years.  Christ United Methodist Church set a goal of $7,500.   By the end of 2015 this congregation had raised $4,988.59.   In other words, we met about 2/3 of the goal in two years and a few months.   This year we had raised, prior to the bake sale, $745.98.   This money came from the July night at Culver’s, your donations to Imagine No Malaria, and your purchases at Culver’s on Sunday, Wednesday and Saturday (current church bulletin required).  On September 26th, donation of money and purchases of baked goods totaled $416.00.

We rejoice in these accomplishments.   At Christ United Methodist we now have raised $6,150.57 for Imagine No Malaria. We rejoice that the congregations of our conference have been generous, and our conference will meet its goal.   We rejoice that we live in nation where each of us can determine which charities we contribute to—there are no state-sponsored churches.  We rejoice that we live in a society and at a time in history where we can afford to give.

Most people feel better when they give.   If we say a kind word, deliver a meal, or make a donation to our favorite charity, we feel better.   The Mission Team appreciates the contributions of this church family.   If you are able to give more, or if you haven’t given all you would like to give, we encourage you to do this before the year ends.   Please write “Imagine No Malaria,” on the memo line of your check.   If you enjoy Culver’s treats, plan your visit to the Culver’s on Route 47 in Huntley for a Sunday, Wednesday or Saturday.   Turn in your current Sunday bulletin.   Culver’s will donate 10% of your purchase total to our church, and we in turn send this to Imagine No Malaria.   Only the Huntley Culver’s participates in this donation, and then only on designated days.     CUMC Mission Team