Our CUMC Team is helping to end hunger one step at a time by participating in this year’s CARDUNAL CROP HUNGER WALK on October 16th, 2016 (registration at 1pm; walk starts at 1:30pm). Thank you to those who’ve already made a financial commitment toward our CUMC goal of $1200! Our “CUMC TEAM” needs more walkers. As of 9/29 we only have 3 (yes, that’s correct, ONLY THREE) people registered to participate in this multiple-local-community-effort to step out to end hunger both world-wide and in our local communities! Won’t you join us on the Walk? Walkers can register by visiting www.crophungerwalk.org/cardunal and click on the big blue PREGISTER button. If you have any questions, contact CUMC Team Captain, Kim Aupperle at 847-525-7883.