A Lay Servant is a member of the congregation who has completed required courses and has been approved by a district or annual conference committee to conduct worship services, preach and lead study sessions as requested by the pastor or district superintendent.  New Document (pdf) describing the Lay Servant Certification Process, including requirements to become a Certified Lay Speaker.  History Lay servant ministry has existed in the United Methodist Church since 1959, but its origins date back to the very beginnings of the church. The office of exhorter, was recognized in the 1784 Book of Discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The office known as lay speaker was first recognized in the1948 Book of Discipline. The 2012 United Methodist General Conference renamed the ministry from Lay Speaking to Lay Servants because the responsibilities of a lay speaker have expanded beyond speaking. Today All Lay Servants must submit a report of their ministry activities at their Church/Charge Conference. The Lay Servant Academy is a comprehensive developmental program for laity that helps people identify their calls to ministry and develop skills in caring, leading and communicating ministries. It is often the turning point for lay people who are seeking to offer significant service to both church and community. Training sessions are held throughout the conference. If you feel called to serve your church in a more formal leadership position, we hope you’ll join the 600+ Lay Servants in our conference.

Register online at https://www.umcnic.org/th_event/elgin-lay-academy/

or send the above registration form by mail to:

Aurora/Elgin Regional Office, 217 Division St., Elgin, IL 60120. By November 4th, 2016.