Dear Church Family,
Please keep Pastor Ron and Lyna, and family in your prayers as they mourn the loss of Lyna’s sister Meredith Rose (Meredith will be cremated; other plans are currently pending).
During Pastor Ron’s absence:
…if you have an emergency for which you need pastoral care, since our Stephen Ministry Leader, Linda Mullen is currently unavailable, please contact any one of the following Stephen Ministers: Kim Aupperle, Evy Markowski, Marty Himebaugh, or Duane Graf.
…if you have a church-related matter that you need to discuss with one of our ministry team leaders, contact either our Administrative Board Chairperson, Deb Thomas or our Lay Leader, Gary Slagle.
(if you need contact information for any of the above, please call the church office at 847-669-9009 or send an email to christumcalgonquin@gmail.com)
The following events originally scheduled to be held this week are now postponed:
…yesterday’s Pastor’s Appreciation Potluck
…the Tuesday evening (10/25) Pastor’s Lectionary Study
…the Thursday evening (10/27) Annual Church Conference (including the SPRC meeting that was scheduled to be held prior to the Church Conference)
In Christ,
Judy Lantinen
Administrative Assitant