Winter Warming (by the NIC Reconciling Ministries Task Force) – January 14, 10am-4pm at First United Methodist Church in Arlington Heights. Special Guest: Bishop Karen Oliveto.  Online registration can be found at
For more information contact Rev. Elizabeth Bowes at:

The day’s schedule:

  • 10 am Registration
  • 10 am Free Child Care Open (10-12; 1:15-3:45/4)
  • 10:50 am Worship in the Sanctuary
  • 12:15-1:15 Lunch provided by Grande Jake’s (No Child Care offered, eat w/family)
  • 1:30pm Workshops
  • 2:45pm Workshops
  • 3:45pm Closing

When purchasing tickets, you may use the same credit card multiple times, but must purchase each persons ticket individually. This helps us keep track of who is going to what workshops and makes it so that each person can have their own name tag. Thank you for your patience with this process! For any questions, please contact us at


1:30 pm

A Latinx Reconciling Church in the Making – Sofia Sarabia and Alicia Vega

A bilingual (English/Spanish) workshop on how a Latina Lesbian couple found their way to Lincoln United Methodist Church and joined the church’s journey on becoming the first Latinx reconciling church in the Northern Illinois Conference. This is an interactive testimonial workshop.

Creative Paths – Thom Frerk (offered both sessions)

Using meditation and art to find your creativity. “Creativity means you have to disappear, you have to allow God to be.” -Osho. Choose one of several projects that focus on meditation and healing through artistic creativity.

Re-igniting the Fire- Luis Reyes, Elisa Gatz, and Sherry Lowly (offered both sessions)

This workshop, led by the Methodist Federation for Social Action (MFSA) team, is a time to assess where we are, look at what other UM Conferences are doing, and brainstorm together what are our next steps. This is a time and place to bring ideas and listening ears, as we plan together in small groups, and move towards the future.

Spiritual Practices for the Journey – Matt Berryman

This workshop looks at the solitary component of the practice of spirituality. There is a Zen saying that no one else can eat your food for you, no one else can go to the bathroom for you, and no one else can live life for you. And, of course, no one else can do your practice for you.

Contemplatives and mystics have always argued that the real purpose of prayer is to quiet the chatter and remove the distractions that keep us unable to hear the “still small voice” that is within each of us. But many of us live in such a tumult of inner and outer noise that if such a voice were speaking to us, we could hardly hear it. All of the various practices that our human family has created are merely ways for us to discover this “voice” so that we might benefit from what it has to say. They are all ways of puting us in touch with ourselves at our deepest, with what the poet Mary Oliver calls our “one wild and precious life.”

Social Media as a Platform for Social Justice – Jarell Wilson (offered both sessions)

More and more, social media is being used as a platform for justice work, be that through education, opportunities to sign petitions, share resources, or demonstrate solidarity. While many find social media to be a great space for this work, there are some challenges as well. In this workshop participants will learn some practices for effective justice work on social media platforms.

Safe Passage – Steven Bigden-Russell

In this workshop, you will be given an opportunity to express your grief in a safe space and receive support for your personal healing work. We will assist one another in our unfolding journeys of healing and inner transformation together. Come willing to share and receive what you need to move forward.


2:45 pm

Creative Paths – Thom Frerk

Using meditation and art to find your creativity. “Creativity means you have to disappear, you have to allow God to be.” -Osho. Choose one of several art projects to make that focus on meditation and healing through artistic creativity.

Going Deeper in Your Welcome – Elizabeth Evans and Anna Voinovich

The reconciling process can be fruitful, and challenging, work. Capturing the energy of this work, and identifying steps for increasing your welcome, is absolutely vital as we live together into the beautiful and diverse realities of Christian community. Join us for a conversation on ways to continue increasing your welcome, as well as practical tools for extending the love of Christ through your faith communities into the world.

Intersections of Justice – Charles Straight

This workshop seeks to expose participants to the intersections of justice work grounded in a framework of liberation for all. We will examine the intersections of racism, sexism, classism, etc. This workshop will involve small group work, personal sharing, and theological reflection on the Jesus of justice and His call to the 21-century church. Come eager to share your own stories and welcome the Holy Spirit to lead us to new places in Christ.

Re-igniting the Fire- Luis Reyes, Elisa Gatz, and Sherry Lowly

This workshop, led by the Methodist Federation for Social Action (MFSA) team, is a time to assess where we are, look at what other UM Conferences are doing, and brainstorm together what are our next steps. This is a time and place to bring ideas and listening ears, as we plan together in small groups, and move towards the future.

Showing Up, Being Brave: Resiliency in a Calling – Sue Laurie

How do we find and keep integrity in a hostile church? How do we offer God’s expansive love and grace without giving up? Resiliency can be a treacherous dynamic. It is true that to “hunger and thirst for righteousness” can be exhausting… but it is a calling for some. Join Sue Laurie as she shares her personal journey and offers insight to vulnerability and longevity in leadership.

Social Media as a Platform for Social Justice – Jarell Wilson

More and more, social media is being used as a platform for justice work, be that through education, opportunities to sign petitions, share resources, or demonstrate solidarity. While many find social media to be a great space for this work, there are some challenges as well. In this workshop participants will learn some practices for effective justice work on social media platforms.


What is the cost to attend?

The cost is $15.00 (plus $1.82 eventbrite fee) per person. This includes worship, lunch, 2 workshops, and helps cover the cost of child care. Children needing child care are free but they must also be registered.

Who are the presenters?

For more information on our presenters, keep checking our facebook page at and our website for more information than is listed here.

What are my transportation/parking options for getting to and from the event?

You are responsible for your own transportation, that being said, there is PLENTY of parking in the lot at FUMC Arlington Heights.

What’s the refund policy?

We are not able to make refunds. Registration will be available until January 7, 2017, a week prior to the event. Day-of-event registrations will only be accepted at the door based on space availability and will cost $20.00.

What will lunch be like?

Lunch will be provided by Grande Jake’s, a local Mexican restaurant. Participants will be able to make their own plates and ingredients will be separated so that we can accomadate the needs of folks with various dietary concerns.

Other Opportunities

If you are not able to attend on Saturday or are looking for other opportunities to worship and learn with Bishop Karen Oliveto, here are some other opportunities!

Bishop Oliveto will give a public theology lecture with time for Q&A at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary on Friday, January 13th from 2:00 to 3:15 pm. From 3:15 to 3:45 pm there will be a brief reception.

On Sunday, January 15th, Bishop Oliveto will be at First United Methodist Church in Evanston. She will participate in Christian Education hour from 9:15 to 10:15 am, preach in worship at 10:30 am, and have a short reception afterward
