Children, Youth, Grown Ups! Don’t miss our Special Family Music Worship Sunday February 5 with guest Rev. Rich Rubietta.

Pastor Rich describes himself as a “Musician-ary” – a kind of modern-day circuit rider. Rich and his wife Jane Rubietta crisscross the Midwest each week, introducing creative uses of music in Worship, School Assemblies, Workshops, Youth events and Retreats.

His ministry is to help congregations rediscover their voice in worship. Rich has pastored congregations in the past (Freeport, Morris, Joliet, Grayslake), but now he sees the larger Conference as his congregation, much like the early circuit riders.  With a Music Degree from Northwestern University and an MDiv from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Rich is fueled by a vision of youth and adults leading Spirit-inspired worship together.

Note: a special love offering will be taken on February 5. Appointed as a Conference Evangelist, Rich depends upon such free-will offerings to finance his work. (His 501(c)3 organization, Abounding Ministries, is one of the mission projects of our Northern Illinois Rainbow Covenant.)

One word… One song… One life at a time… Making a Difference for Christ. Find out more at or at