Parables and Edibles
Lenten Suppers with Speakers from Local Missions

You, your family and your friends are invited to our Sunday evening suppers, beginning March 5th and continuing through April 2nd. We will start with a light supper at 5:00 and end about 7:00. Speakers have been invited from several local agencies.  Most of these agencies have been supported by our church for several years. There is no cost for attending, and we’d like you to attend as many sessions as you can.  If possible, please sign-up before each session (you can wait until the Sunday morning of the event).  And, if your plans change, you are always welcome to drop in at the last minute, or stay for just part of the session.

During Lent, the Sunday scripture readings focus on many of the parables concerning the “last, the least, and the lost.”  CUMC provides supplies and cash to many community agencies which serve the needs of the less fortunate.  By attending the supper series, you will become acquainted with the needs of the people that these agencies serve.

March 5, meal at 5:00          Entre: chili and corn bread
Agency representative from The Home of the Sparrow
This agency provides transitional living to homeless women and children in our community.  During November and December, our church has a “Giving Tree,” and individuals purchase gifts or make donations to help those living at the Home of the Sparrow.

March 12, meal at 5:00          Entre: three kinds of soup
Agency representative from The Algonquin/LITH Food    Pantry
This agency provides a food to those who live in Algonquin Township and meet the income requirements.  During eleven months of the year CUMC collects non-perishable food and money for the local food pantry.       

March 19, meal at 5:00          Entre: three kinds of pasta
Agency representative from TLS Veterans-McHenry County
This agency provides transitional living, a food pantry, peer-group support, housing support and employment assistance to veterans.  Our April food drive benefits this agency, and for the last two years CUMC has given the offering from the Christmas Eve Worship Service.

March 26, meal at 5:00          Entre: sandwiches
Agency representative from PADS-McHenry County
This agency serves homeless individuals and families in the area.   From October 1 through April 30, local churches provide emergency shelter, dinner and breakfast between 7pm and 7am. Our youth help another church set-up and serve meals once each year, and the youth and mission team sponsor fundraising and collection of items through the Warm Ministry.

April 2, meal at 5:00           Entre: baked potato and salad bar
Agency representative from Turning Point, McHenry County
This agency provides services to women and children of McHenry County who are confronting violence.  We would like to know more about this agency and determine how we might be able to assist this agency.

The King will reply, ‘Truly, I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’”  Matthew 25:40, (NIV)

The church will be open at 4:30 on these Sundays for those who are preparing the meal.  If you have questions, please contact Bonnie Dodge or Maylo Hranac, CUMC Mission Chairs.
