422all-church-conference_revisedOur CUMC is going to have a special church event “PATH TO THE FUTURE” on April 22ndfor all our church families to know Where We Are and Where We Want to be.

We are going to gather by 9AM for naming our Calls to Ministry and Mission from our hopes, needs, Vision, and prayers. For this special church event, Don Mendenhall will be our facilitator. Don is a nationwide consultant for Non-Profit Organization Human Resource Development & Organizational Development. He is known for his way of listening intently for cues that honestly and mutually inform conversation. After lunch, our District Superintendent, Rev. Oscar Carrasco will join us to celebrate the dedication of our new church sign, which will conclude this special day. I deeply appreciate our leaders who have been able to change their schedules for this meaningful event for our church…Now and into the Future. And your presence is also extremely important for this process of Naming our Calls to Ministry and Mission. So please keep this date on your calendar and pray for this fruitful gathering.

Here are some questions to ponder:

– How do we know our selves?

– How have we been known by others?

– What ministries and missions are needed?