Please pray for:
…Linda Chodan’s mother-in-law, Gertrude who’s been in rehab for a broken hip and a broken wrist and has not gone back into the hospital. She has a urinary tract infection for which the antibiotics are not helping; her doctors are not sure if she also has pneumonia or congestive heart failure
…Judy Lantinen’s friend, Liz Sokolowski, as she’s severely suffering from skeletal joint inflammation due to psoriatic arthritis which is now complicated by her no longer being able to use NSAIDS due to internal bleeding as the doctors try to find the source of the bleeding
Please continue prayers for the following:
…Kim Aupperle’s mom, Genevieve Swanson; Jenny Ladines (undergoing chemotherapy); Denise (Linda Chodan’s sister who has stage 4 cancer); Eleanor & Joe Kilberger; Kareen Hernandez continuing recovery from surgery, Kareen’s niece, Janie, and Kareen’s mother, Rose Hernandez; Lyna Michel’s mom, Ann Murphy; Evy Markowski’s relative, Betsy Kitzman (battling breast cancer); Judy Lange’s daughter, Debby and her family; Teagan (battling Hodgkin’s lymphoma); Al Jones; Maylo & Dick’s son-in-law, Robert Szczepanski; Nathan (8 yr. old child, diagnosed with a stage 3 brain tumor); Lorraine Taylor; Cheri Bacon; Hannah Snuffer and her parents, Kellie & Ryan; Deb Thomas’s friend, Sue, and Kathleen (the mother of Deb’s friend, Lisa); Braxton Larocco; Rev Carl Curtin; the Geheren Family; Sue Huhta; for all persons suffering with mental health issues; and for all those seeking employment