We all seem to know how important it is to talk about end-of-life issues, yet we just don’t seem to do it even though this is one of the most important conversations that Americans are not having. The national organization, DeathOverDinner.org and the local LifeMatterMedia.org want to be sure that everyone is prepared for their end-of-life and to be able to support loved ones as well. Because this is such an important topic, Pastor Ron and Linda Mullen have chosen the Pinecrest Golf Club in Huntley for a very special “Death Over Dinner” on Sunday, April 30th, at 1:30pm. Won’t you join them to learn more information about “how to have this important conversation”? Family members, friends and neighbors are all invited to attend. The cost is $27.50 per person. To make your reservation, place the green registration form (available in your Sunday bulletin) and your check (payable to Christ United Methodist Church—be sure to write “Death Over Dinner” on the memo line) either in the offering plate on Sunday, or in the basket on the church secretary’s desk. Registrations should be turned in no later than April 23rd. Please don’t let the cost be a hindrance to attending this event—contact Pastor Ron for more information. If you have any questions about this event, contact Linda Mullen.