Please pray for the following:
Linda Mullen requests prayers for healing among family members
…Judith Aronson and Richard Brook request prayers for elder friends who are trying to cope: the Souchek’s, the Bednar’s, and the March’s

Please continue prayers for the following:
…Linda Chodan’s sister, Denise (undergoing chemotherapy for stage 4 cancer) and Linda’s mother-in-law, Gertrude; Kim Aupperle’s mom, Genevieve Swanson; Jenny Ladines (undergoing chemotherapy); Eleanor & Joe Kilberger; Kareen Hernandez (recovering from surgery), Kareen’s niece, Janie, and Kareen’s mother, Rose Hernandez; Lyna Michel’s mom, Ann Murphy; Evy Markowski’s relative, Betsy Kitzman (battling breast cancer); Judy Lange’s daughter, Debby and her family; Teagan (battling Hodgkin’s lymphoma); Al Jones; Maylo & Dick’s son-in-law, Robert Szczepanski;  Nathan (8 yr. old child, diagnosed with a stage 3 malignant tumor); Lorraine Taylor; Cheri Bacon; Hannah Snuffer and her parents, Kellie & Ryan; Deb Thomas’s friend, Sue and Kathleen (the mother of Deb’s friend, Lisa); Braxton Larocco; Rev Carl Curtin;  the Geheren Family; Sue Huhta; Liz Sokolowski; Nanci Tayler; Kristen Lantinen Dalton and the safe delivery of her unborn son; for all persons suffering with mental health issues; and for all those seeking employment