With no oven available in our kitchen, keeping food hot during worship service can be a challenge!  Here are some tips you might want to use is your are bringing a hot dish for Sunday’s Asian-American Potluck:

Ways to keep food hot for several hours

  • 4 Layers of towels in a box (cardboard or Styrofoam) place hot food (right out of the oven) in the box; fold each of the four towels over the food.  With hot foods, layer some insulation material over the top (such as newspapers or blanket).  For cold foods put the box on the seat not the floor.
  • Wrap food in newspapers and place in soft-sided coolers
  • Using ceramic cookware provides good thermal mass; metals and water give heat away easily.
  • Wrap pot or dish in a woolen blanket or sleeping bag to keep food hot.
  • Crockpot
  • Bring warming tray if available.