The CUMC Missions Team appreciates your support our our church’s FUNdraiser on Monday, July 24th at the Culver’s in Huntley. We appreciate the wait-staff and the greeters. We appreciate the eaters. We appreciate the promoters who encouraged friends and family members appearing. And we appreciate the eaters and everyone who joined us that evening! At one point the order line reached the door. As a result, we made $359.32 from sales and $212 from tips. We made 10%, and we hope that next year we will be at 15%. The percentage is based on total sales, and we were close to the 15% target. This money will be distributed among local missions in our community. The Mission Team will be allocating money in the fall. If you were not able to be present at our Culver’s Fundraiser, you can still contribute by donating money to this fund. Checks should be made payable to Christ United Methodist Church (CUMC), and be sure to include Local Missions on the memo line.