Our church’s Mission Team encourages you to support the Cardunal CROP Walk this week in some way.   There’s still room to participate by walking, or by watching and cheering our CUMC walkers.  Financial contributions of any size are welcome.  Contact Kim Aupperle if you wish to help.  The CROP Walk has been the major emphasis of the Mission Team these past weeks.   Next week we will emphasize other on-going Mission Projects,, and next week we will begin explaining how United Methodists respond to disasters (floods, hurricanes, fires, tornadoes).  The United Methodist Committee of Relief responds to both international and domestic issues, and money can be designated to either domestic or international causes.
Look for our Mission Team insert in your church bulletin in late October.   There are several ways you can help, and although most organizations want money, there are other ways to assist.
CUMC- Mission Team
