As the new coordinator for the Ushers & Greeters, Linda Riggs has posted a sign-up sheet for Ushers & Greeters to schedule their preferred times to serve during January, February and March of next year. You can find that sheet on the bulletin board by the church office. If you would like to serve your church by being an usher or greeter on Sunday, morning, won’t you please see the signup sheet the next time you are at church?
As Linda becomes familiar with who has been serving in this ministry, if you have served and are not available during specific times of the year, she would appreciate receiving an email from you to let her know when those times are.
If you have an interest in serving in this important ministry but would like more information, please contact Linda. (for Linda’s contact information you can either call the church office at 847-669-9009, or send an email to christumcalgonquin!