During the service, our confirmands and youth will be sharing their spiritual gifts, through music, readings, acts of service, etc. Afterwards, it’s your turn: we’re having our POTLUCK and SHOW-AND-TELL, so please bring an ethnic dish to share from your national background...[note: as good stewards let’s all bring our own”service”–plates/silverware/cup.] And please bring something for “Show-And-Tell.” It can be anything! It can be your ethnic dish, a poem or reading, a song, an instrumental performance, a personal hobby item – like a quilt or something you sew or something you collect. Come and help us all get to know each other better. Share something with us that expresses something of who you are!
reminder: in preparation for Easter and for the all-church Game Changer Retreat on April 21st, have you completed your Spiritual Gifts Inventory? If not, click here to do so online (be sure to score it and print it out–paper copies are under the TV in the lobby.)