April 23 from 4-8 p.m.

The CUMC Mission Team encourages you to join your church family at Culver’s this coming Monday evening.   We will earn a percentage of ALL SALES between 4 and 8 p.m.  The exact percentage is based on the volume of sales that evening.   The money that we earn from Culver’s will be pooled with money from our other fundraisers this year, and then given to local missions at the end of the fiscal year.
Please encourage your friends and relatives to join us at the Huntley Culver’s, located on Route 47 and Powers Road.   This is south of Huntley’s Main Street and north of the tollway.
If you are able to work either shift, or available as a substitute, please sign-up on the sheet posted on the bulletin board.  If you are able to help, but not able to sign-up, please call Bonnie Dodge.                                                                                                     CUMC Mission Team