I’ve been trying to think of how much I could carry in a bundle if I was forced to flee from my home.   I know no matter how long I planned or how many lists I made, I would forget something.   There’s no way I could carry everything I needed.   I’d be one of 28,300 who flee each day.   I’d really need others to help. The details of the current problem are displayed on our bulletin board.   The current crisis reminds me of my Irish relatives who left Ireland in the 1850’s after several potato crop disasters.   Other ancestors left France because of overpopulation of Alsace and probably dislike of new political divisions since they considered themselves “German,” not French.
There are many reasons for Global Migration: some are oppressed; some are escaping dire poverty.   It’s an age-old Biblical story.   Joseph was sold by his brothers and the purchasers brought him to Egypt.   Years later the same brothers came to Egypt because of their own crop failures.  They needed help, and they got it from Egyptians.    Some years later Moses led Jews out of Egypt because of oppression… (Remember the spiritual…Go Down Moses.)
Now, we are asked to do something.   Join with other United Methodists of the Northern Illinois Conference (that’s those of us living north of I-80) and contribute your change or your dollars.   Remember nearly all of us had ancestors who migrated here.   In their memory, contribute what you can.   We’d like to raise $200 because that’s the goal asked by the Bishop.    Each year our Bishop selects a United Methodist charity and asks each church to do their part so that as a conference we can raise over $70,000.   She’s asked each church to raise $200 if possible.
Contributions of change can be put in the change jar located in the lobby near the TV.    Contributions of checks should be made payable to Christ United Methodist Church.   Please write “Global Migration” on the memo line.
We need your contributions by Sunday, May 27th.   Peggy Literski, our conference delegate, will be taking them to annual conference on the following Sunday.
Maylo Hranac, Co-Chair of Missions