Our Bishop has asked all churches in our Northern Illinois Conference to make a one-time offering this month for those 65 million people who have been displaced by oppression, war or famine.   Twenty-five percent of the donations will remain in northern Illinois to help those immigrants who have been admitted to the United States.   The other money will go to those living in tents and temporary shelters in different parts of the world.   Each church has been asked to raise $200 or more.   If you’d like to give loose change, please put it in the change jar marked Global Migration, in the lobby.   If you’d like to write a check, please make it payable to Christ United Methodist Church and write “Global Migration” on the memo line.   If you prefer to give dollar bills, please place them in an envelope in the offering.  Write “Global Migration” on the envelope and write your name on the envelope.
We may not be able to do a lot individually, but look at what our dollars can do if we pool our money.
$10 – provides mattresses for a family
$20—provides fleece blankets for two people
$30—provides essential kitchen set for two families
Please make your donation by this coming Sunday, May 27.