Thank you for your generosity with the Bishop’s Appeal for Global Migration.   The Bishop asked every church in the Northern IL Conference to donate $200.   We are not one of the large churches, but Christ United Methodist Church (CUMC) raised $255.60 during our three-week appeal (May 6-May 27).  Thank you for what you did to help us reach this goal.   When we combine our change and our dollars, we can make a difference…and when we work with other United Methodists there is no limit to what we can do.
In your church bulletin this coming Sunday you’ll see a reference to Peace with Justice Sunday.   This is one of the special Sunday offerings collected by most United Methodist churches.   We’d like you to read more about the cause of Peace with Justice.   We think it’s important to understand that United Methodists are a connectional church, and that as a denomination we are making a difference on many fronts.   Are we asking you to contribute to this…not exactly.   This is a good cause, and if you forgot to contribute to the Global Migration cause, this is somewhat similar.   If though you feel that contributing this month would be difficult, keep the Peace with Justice cause in mind for 2019.
Results of April Culver’s fundraiser, TLS-Veterans drive in April, and Bishop’s Appeal for May are posted on the bulletin board.
CUMC Mission Team