There is a new committee at Christ United Methodist Church! The Community Safety Team as been formed to address safety concerns in our church.   This includes being prepared for a fire or tornado, an active shooter or armed intruder, or natural gas leak.  Several folks attended an all day workshop dealing with safety issues, focusing on Active Shooter Response.  We have also had 2 members of the Algonquin Police Department walk our building and give us ideas to make it more secure.  We are hosting the Active Shooter Response Forum to be held Tuesday, June 19th from 10:00am until Noon.  We’ve invited 25 nearby Houses of Worship to attend a presentation by the Algonquin Police, Question & Answer session and brainstorm/idea sharing.
We encourage you to attend the forum and if you’re available to help that day, all the better!  For more information about the Community Safety Team or the forum, please contact Linda Mullen.