The song lyrics for summer describe a happy, care-free time.  These lyrics don’t apply to those who struggle financially.   Elderly people need to cut-back on groceries to pay for prescriptions and electricity.  Parents find that they now have to feed their children lunch, a meal provided by a federal assistance when children attend school.  Some parents are stretched to their limits when school vacation ends, and the breakfast and lunch provided at school also ends. We live in an area of high rents, and many parents are employed, but still need to use the food pantry.  We at Christ United Methodist Church help by donating non-perishable foods to the Algonquin Lake in the Hills Interfaith Food Pantry.
During the summer, when you are shopping for your own family, please remember the families who have children making their own lunch. Although it’s not ideal, some children are at home alone during the summer.  Peanut-butter, enriched cold cereal, V-8 juice, canned fruit are healthy foods which children can prepare eat, and they won’t need to turn on the stove.  Retired adults, who must rely on social security payments, can safely cook, but they don’t want to over-heat the house.  Consider purchasing canned protein foods (tuna, chicken, salmon, beef stew, chili, and baked beans) for those who cook for short time periods because they lack air conditioning.
When you grocery shop during the summer, remember the needs of children and the elderly.  The elderly clients need items which require little cooking and children who prepare their own breakfast and lunch should be eating food that requires no cooking.    There is a complete list of food items requested by the Algonquin Lake in the Hills Food Pantry, posted on the Missions bulletin board (you can also scroll below)
CUMC Missions Team