Most parents want their children to learn generosity, kindness, empathy and concern for others.   Children often learn best from a “hands-on” activity.  We have an event for nearly everyone who is age 5 or older.  On August 25th many of us from CUMC will be driving to Schaumburg to participate in packing meals for Feed My Starving Children.  Daisy Santoso of the Mission Team has reserved slots for 40 packers.  This organization packs meals that are donated to other charities serving needy children in other countries.  They purchase the food, and the completed meal costs less than 25 cents per serving.  (That doesn’t even cover one food item in most households.)  Expenses are minimal because everything is done by volunteers.  Now is the time to mark this date, Saturday, Aug. 25th on your calendar.  We will be leaving at 1:00, packing from 2-4, and some of us will stop to eat together at Portillo’s when we are finished.   More details will be provided in the future, but save this date.
CUMC Mission Team