On June 20th, 13 individuals represented CUMC and spent two hours packing food for Feed My Starving Children. Hat’s Off to nine youth: T. J Agabin, Isabel Hernandez, Amari Kukreja, Nicholas Logston, Taylor Percupchick, Nathan Santoso, Joshua Sunderraj, Joel Sunderraj, and Grant Whiteman (guest).  They were joined by three adult leaders and one guest: Lisa Greenwood, Kareen Hernandez, Daisy Santoso and Rosalia Whiteman (guest).  They packed a total of 25,272 meals in two hours.   That means that each person averaged nearly 2,000 meals.  This is remarkable!  And, these meals meet the nutritional needs of the children, and the cost is less than 25 cents per serving. What a wonderful way to help others!  The meals that day were sent to Belize, Uganda and Zambia.
CUMC Mission Team