The NIC Board of Church & Society invites you to join us for a conversation regarding proposed changes made to the Social Principles by the General Board of Church & Society (GBCS) on August 18 from 9:30-11:30 am at The Church of the Three Crosses, 333 W Wisconsin St., Chicago. 
The revised Social Principles will be voted on at General Conference 2020. In the meantime, conferences throughout the UMC connection are encouraged to host events to gather comments/feedback about these proposed changes. The goal is for the final iteration of the revised Social Principles to reflect the great diversity of the United Methodist people. Don’t miss out on this special opportunity to make your voice heard! 
A light breakfast will be available, there is no registration fee, and childcare is NOT available. Street parking is free but limited around the church. There are two pay-for-parking lots nearby at Chicago History Museum and 230 W North Ave. Please register by  clicking here.