The end of the month will be here soon, and that means it is time to “Get Your Can to Church.”  Sunday, July 29th is the last Sunday in the month, and that’s the day we will be collecting money at the door from those who prefer to give monetary gifts instead of non-perishable food.  If you prefer to purchase food remember that family food budgets are really stretched during the summer because needy children receive free lunches and sometimes free breakfasts at school.  Not all children go to summer school, but children still need to eat.  Parents have added costs in July as they pay for school supplies, new shoes and clothing.  Older residents have higher electrical costs; some need to have air conditioning for health reasons.  As much as most of us “enjoy the lazy days of summer,” others find added costs make it stressful and their food needs add to their stress.   You can help needy families in our area by bringing non-perishable food or making a monetary donation on July 29th.  Food donations may be made at any time.  Place them in the marked container located to the right of the sanctuary entrance.  At the end of the month Bonnie and Dave Dodge will deliver them to the Algonquin-Lake in the Hills Interfaith Food Pantry.
CUMC Mission Team
