Does it include helping at Feed My Starving Children on August 25th?  Daisy Santoso has reserved 40 slots for our church on the afternoon of August 25th.  Most of us will be leaving CUMC parking lot, carpooling by 1:00 on Saturday, August 25th.  We will be packing food for children who live in poorer countries.  Feed My Starving Children relies almost totally on volunteers packing food.  Volunteers will be packing “manna”, food enriched with vitamins, which will be shipped and used at orphanages and schools in other countries.  They are able to prepare a meal for less than 25 cents per child.  Costs are kept down because they partner with other agencies who actually serve the food.  Be sure to check your calendar now, so you know if you can participate.  Volunteers need to be five or older; this is a great way to teach children about less fortunate children.
CUMC Mission Team
