If this sounds like a good deal to you, then plan to join us on August 25th at Feed My Starving Children. We will leave the CUMC parking lot at 1:00 and drive to their Schaumburg location. We will be packing “manna packets” of food enriched with vitamins. Feed My Starving Children partners with relief agencies all over the world who serve children at orphanages and schools. By relying on volunteers like us and by partnering with agencies already serving children, they are able to keep costs low. Each child’s meal costs less than a quarter. This event is open to anyone who is five or older, but you will need to reserve a place on our sign-up sheet which will be posted on the Mission Team’s bulletin board by pastor’s office this coming Sunday, July 29th. We have reserved 40 spots. Check your calendar to see if you and your family can attend. Some of us will stop at Portillo’s on the way home, and you are invited to participate (but you will need to pay for your own family’s meals). However, if you prefer to return directly home, you can easily do so by driving your own vehicle.   If you have questions, please see Daisy Santoso.
CUMC Mission Team