The August 25th Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) Packing Session still has 17 openings—won’t you join us?  We’re packing meals in Schaumburg from 2:00 until 4:00pm (be at FMSC by 1:45pm or meet in the church parking lot before 1:00 pm if you’d like to carpool.)  EVERYONE is welcome to help (but must be at least 5 yrs old).
Or, if you’d like to support FMSC with monetary donations, checks may be placed in the offering plate on Sunday and should be made payable to Christ United Methodist Church with FMSC noted on the memo line.  Cash donations are also appreciated and should be placed in an envelope that includes both the ‘donor’s name’ and ‘FMSC’ or ‘Feed My Starving Children’ written on it.
See the insert in this coming Sunday’s bulletin  for details/map for the packing session.  Contact Daisy Santoso  if you have any questions.