August 26th is Circuit Rider Sunday, and we will worship the old, old, old fashioned way: outdoors, with NO PowerPoint, not even a hymnal!  So please tell Pastor Ron what hymns you just love to sing so much that you know the first verse by heart!  Let him know by filling in the “My Favorite Hymns” insert that will be in your bulletin this Sunday, and then place it in the  offering plate.  Or you can send your favorite hymn information to him by email: (please be sure to email it to him by noon on Tuesday, August 21st).  We’ll do our best to sing at least the first verse of your favorites on August 26th—and maybe even on September 16th at our 6:00pm Music Fest!
Let’s show our confirmation youth what old-time singing is all about!  OK?
By the way, remember that there’s no sign-up for the Circuit Rider Sunday picnic—just bring a dish to share and a lawn chair or blanket if you care! (church will provide a main dish)
