Reminder: the Community Safety Team is working hard to make sure everyone can feel secure in our church building.  We see all the preparations being done in schools and want to keep up with security measures for our congregation.  Each Sunday morning all doors will be locked at 10:00 a.m.
Not to worry, if you are running late, there will be someone in the lobby to welcome you!  That person will remain in the lobby throughout the service.  Because of the sound system airing in the lobby, we are able to participate in the worship experience as well as serve to enhance our safety and security. 

Because we are currently limited to just 3 or 4 people who are participating in our Sunday morning rotation, we are seeking more volunteers.  Please prayerfully consider joining our rotation on Sunday morning.  We can really use your help with this very important new ministry!  If you’d consider joining the rotation for Sunday mornings or would like more information, please contact any of the members of the Community Safety Team: Richard Brooke, Dave Dodge, Doug Literski, Peggy Literski, Linda Mullen, or Pastor Ron.